Aleph's K-R4d G3C0S F33Ld (aleph1@underground.org)
Tue, 14 May 1996 20:21:05 -0700

        Some of you might have noticed that Bugtraq has not been operating
now for some time. Scott Chasin, the regular moderator of Bugtraq is at
the moment not able to fill that role. Until Scott comes back from the
net-dead I will be taking over his role. Much nothing else changes. The
charter is the same and we play by the same rules. The list address is
BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG and the subscription address is LISTSERV@NETSPACE.ORG.

        Just in case you forgotten what this is all about here is the
WELCOME message from the list:

B U G T R A Q                                   Last Updated: 05/14/96

What is this list about?

This list is for *detailed* discussion of UNIX security holes: what
they are, how to exploit, and what to do to fix them.

This list is not intended to be about cracking systems or exploiting
their vunerabilities.  It is about defining, recognizing, and preventing use
of security holes and risks.

Please refrain from posting one-line messages or messages that
do not contain any substance that can relate to this list`s charter.

I will allow certain informational posts regarding updates to security
tools, documents, etc.  But I will not tolerate any unnecessary or
nonessential "noise" on this list.

Please follow the below guidelines on what kind of information
should be posted to the Bugtraq list:

   o  Information on Unix related security holes/backdoors (past and present)
   o  Exploit programs, scripts or detailed processes about the above
   o  Patches, workarounds, fixes
   o  Announcements, advisories or warnings
   o  Ideas, future plans or current works dealing with Unix security
   o  Information material regarding vendor contacts and procedures
   o  Individual experiences in dealing with above vendors or
      security organizations
   o  Incident advisories or informational reporting

 Any non-essential replies should not be directed to the list but to
 the originator of the message.  Please do not "CC" the bugtraq reflector
 address if the response does not meet the above criteria.

 Remember: YOYOW.

 You own your own words. This means that you are responsible for the
 words that you post on this list and that reproduction of those words without
 your permission in any medium outside the distribution of this list may be
 challenged by you, the author.

 Scott Chasin, the original moderator, is taking an extended vacation.
 Aleph One will be filling his role until he returns.

 For questions or comments, please mail me:

 Aleph One

Aleph One / aleph1@underground.org
KeyID 1024/948FD6B5
Fingerprint EE C9 E8 AA CB AF 09 61  8C 39 EA 47 A8 6A B8 01